Estate Auction 6/5/10
2 Day Estate Auction
2010 Scion, Motorcycle, Lionel Trains, Steins, Antiques & Collectibles, Firearms, Furniture, Riding Mowers, Tools & More
10 AM – Friday, June 4, 2010
9 AM – Saturday, June 5, 2010
Reagan Watson Auction Gallery
115 N. Washington Street
Milford, Delaware 19963
**For items that require shipping, we are no longer handling this in-house. Our local shipping agency can be contacted at: 302-422-2200 or by emailing to They are located at 686 N. DuPont Hwy., Milford, DE 19963.
Friday 10:00 AM: Great selection of antiques & collectibles to include Fenton Glass, Depression Glass, Hess & Texaco Trucks, Coca Cola Collectibles, Mixing Bowls, Kitchen Ware, Collection of Ladies Hats, Cranberry hobnail Dishes, Lenox, Indian Pottery Vases, Dovetailed Blanket Chest, Oriental Dressing Screen, Writing Desk, Baskets, Showcases Full of Glassware, Coin Glass, Lamps, Cookie Jars, Lighthouses Danbury Mint, Fiestaware, Cane’s, Hens on Nest, Framed Prints & Art work, Dolls, Colored Glassware, Shawnee Pottery, Open Face Washstand, Dressers, chairs, Stands, Country Collectibles, 15+ Oil Lamps, Oriental Vases, Blue Stemware, G.I.Joe Items, Lots Costume Jewelry, Adv. Items and much more. This is an early listing due to the holiday ad deadlines, much more coming.
Saturday 9:00 AM: Furniture to include Walnut Victorian Organ w/ Stool, Mahogany Claw foot Desk, Sets of Cane Seat Chairs, Ornate Oak Arm Chair Set, Ornate 3pc Oak Church Confessional Set, Empire Sofa, Floor Lamps, Oak Dressers, Mahogany Game Table, Oak Mirror Back Hall Seat, Claw Foot Childs Bath tub, Mahogany Dressers, Mahogany Table & Chair Sets, Piano Stools, Rice Poster Bed, Louie XV Desks, Pr. Oriental Black Lacquer China Cabinets, Oriental Black Lacquer Dressers & Stands, Spinning Wheel, Oriental Rugs, Sofas, End Tables, Mahogany Drop Leaf Table, Bedroom Suites, Pr. Oak Curio Cabinets, Cherry Dressers, Love Seat, Wing Back Chairs, Camel Back Sofa, Maple Dressers, Living Room Chairs, Oak Stands, Walnut Corner Cupboard, Mahogany Knee Hole Desk and more.
Collectibles to include Collection of Lionel Trains, Weller Pottery, Art Deco Figures, Sterling Silver Flatware, German Portrait Plates, World’s Fair Items, Jewelry, Tin Toys, Stangel Pottery, Fenton, PRR Oil Can, Owens Utopia Vase, Lladro Statues, Delaware Glass, Victorian Tankard Pitcher w/ Mugs, Victorian Miniature Lamps ( including Pairpoint The Bounty), Victorian Table Lamps, Victorian Piano Lamp, Victorian Banquet Lamps, Victorian hanging Lamps, Shawnee Pottery, Horse Drawn Buggy Restored, Sulky Cart Restored, Depression Glass, Coffee Grinders, Mixing Bowls, Shaving Mugs, Shirley Temple Pitchers, Vaseline Glass, Opalescent Glass, Delaware Books, American Fostoria, Bisque figures, Victor table Top talking Machine w/ Horn, Leaded Shade Lamps, Bronze Nude Statues, Oil Paintings, Mantel Clocks, Cloisonne, Marbles, , Adv. Items, 1907 Happy Hooligan Comic book, 40+ Wooden Shaft Golf Clubs, Transit w/ Stand, Oliver Pedal Tractor, Pedal Car, Noritake, Pr. Cinnamon Carved Lamps, Art Deco Lighters, Collection Movie Star Photo’s 1930’s- 60’s, Hollywood Pinball Machine, Collection of Lighthouses, Saddles, Sets of China, Sliver Plate, Bavaria & Germany, Baseball Cards, Flat Irons, Childs rockers, Kitchenware, Lg. Dinner Bell, Hens on Nest, Condiment set and more.
Vehicles & Mowers: 2010 Scion w/ 2643 Miles, 1982 Honda Nighthawk 450 w/ 2031 Miles, Troy-Bilt Bronco Riding Mower, John Deere 318 Riding Mower, Craftsman Riding Mower.
Firearms: Taurus 38 Special, S&W 44 Mag., S&W 9MM, High Standard Supermatic Model 106 Military, Beretta M9 9MM, Glock Model 26 9MM, Glock Model 21 45 Cal., Remington Model 7600 30/06 w/ Scope, Winchester Model 35 Shotgun 9MM, Browning Citori 20GA O/U, Browning Humpback Belgium 12GA, Remington 870 Express Deer Gun, Savage 775A 16GA, Civil War Era Musket w/ Bayonet.
Tools & Misc.: Grizzley Upright Bandsaw, Hand Planes, Hand Tools of all Types, Hand Saws, Ladders, Saw Horses, Misc Household items and more.
Auctioneers Note: A great 2 day auction for your buying pleasure, be sure to bring a friend, Furniture sells at 12 Noon on Saturday. Estate of Richard Commini from Milford, along with estates from Dover, Seaford & Georgetown. Preview Friday from 8AM until 5PM, Sat. doors open at 8AM. View photos on our website at
SATURDAYS AUCTION will also be held LIVE online with Proxibid. Please see link available on our website to register for bidding.
Terms: Cash, approved check or credit cards. 13% buyers premium reduced to 10% if paying by cash or approved check. All items sold as is, announcements day of sale take precedence.
**For items that require shipping, we are no longer handling this in-house. Our local shipping agency can be contacted at: 302-422-2200 or by emailing to They are located at 686 N. DuPont Hwy., Milford, DE 19963.